Ext.onReady(function(){ OS.REG.JS.NETWORK.TRANSPORT.ENABLE=0; OS.REG.SHARE.SYSTEM.PATH.LOGIN=OS.REG.SHARE.SYSTEM.PATH.VIRTUAL+'login.php'; OS.cmd('load OS/LIB/CLIENT/CSS/overview/css/overview.css'); // console.log(Ext.getBody()); Ext.getBody().hide(); Ext.getBody().applyStyles("scroll:auto;font-family:tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"); var _height = Ext.getBody().getViewSize().height-(Ext.isIE?80:60); clog(_height); Ext.getBody().update('\ \


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\ '); Ext.ns('Ext.app'); Ext.app.Overview = (function(){ var menu, content, sectionScrolls = [], active, wrap, corners = [], minHeight = 600, activeContentSection, contentHeight = minHeight; return { init : function() { // Initializing the application menu = Ext.get('manual-nav'); content = Ext.get('content'); wrap = Ext.get('content-wrap'); this.initMarkup(); this.initEvents(); this.syncHeight(); // by default navigate to the overview this.navigateTo(menu.child('li.group', true)); }, initMarkup : function() { var me = this; // create corners for each tabgroup Ext.each(menu.query('li.group'), function() { me.createCorner(this, 'top-left'); me.createCorner(this, 'bottom-left'); }); // create corners for the content panel corners.push(me.createCorner(wrap, 'top-left')); corners.push(me.createCorner(wrap, 'top-right')); corners.push(me.createCorner(wrap, 'bottom-left')); corners.push(me.createCorner(wrap, 'bottom-right')); }, initEvents : function() { menu.on('click', this.onMenuClick, this); content.on('scroll', this.onContentScroll, this); }, createCorner: function(el, pos){ return Ext.fly(el).createChild({ cls: 'box-corner box-corner-' + pos }); }, onMenuClick: function(e){ if (e.button != 0) { return; } e.preventDefault(); var t = this.findTargets(e); if (t.expand) { this.toggleGroup(t.group); } else if (t.group) { if(t.group !== active) { this.expandGroup(t.group); } this.navigateTo(t.group, t.section); } if(t.link) { t.link.blur(); } }, findTargets : function(e) { var el = e.getTarget('li', menu); if (el) { return { expand: e.getTarget('a.group-expand-btn', menu), group: e.getTarget('li.group', menu), section: e.getTarget('a.section-title', menu), link: e.getTarget('a', menu) }; } return { expand: null, group: null, section: null, link: null }; }, onContentScroll : function(e) { var scrollPerc = content.dom.scrollTop / (content.dom.scrollHeight - contentHeight); Ext.each(sectionScrolls, function() { if( this.section !== activeContentSection && scrollPerc >= this.from && scrollPerc < this.to ) { activeContentSection = this.section; var link = menu.child('a.section-title[href$="' + this.section.id + '"]'); menu.select('li.section-active').removeClass('section-active'); if(link) { link.parent().addClass('section-active'); } } }); }, updateContentSections : function() { var sections = content.select('div.sect'), totalHeight = content.dom.scrollHeight, itemHeight, previous = { section: null, from: 0, to: 0, bottom: 0 }; sectionScrolls = []; contentHeight = content.getHeight(); sections.each(function(item, sections, index) { itemHeight = item.getOffsetsTo(content)[1] - previous.bottom + item.getHeight(); sectionScrolls.push({ section: item.dom, from: previous.to, to: previous.to + (itemHeight / totalHeight), bottom: previous.bottom + itemHeight }); previous = sectionScrolls[sectionScrolls.length-1]; }); }, navigateTo : function(group, section) { section = section || false; Ext.fly(document.body).scrollTo('top', 0); Ext.fly(group).radioClass('group-active'); var href = Ext.fly(group).child('a.group-title', true).href; var afterLoad = function() { if(section) { var contentSection = Ext.get(section.href.split('#')[1]); if(contentSection) { content.scrollTo('top', contentSection.getOffsetsTo(content)[1] + content.dom.scrollTop); (function() { menu.select('li.section-active').removeClass('section-active'); activeContentSection = contentSection.dom; Ext.fly(section).parent('li').addClass('section-active'); contentSection.highlight(); }).defer(50); } } else { content.scrollTo('top', '0'); (function() { menu.select('li.section-active').removeClass('section-active'); Ext.fly(group).child('li').addClass('section-active'); }).defer(50); } if(active !== group) { this.updateContentSections(); } active = group; } if(group !== active) { menu.select('li.section-active').removeClass('section-active'); content.load({ url: href, callback: afterLoad, scope: this }); } else { afterLoad(); } }, toggleGroup : function(group) { Ext.fly(group).toggleClass('group-expanded'); this.syncHeight(); }, expandGroup : function(group) { Ext.fly(group).addClass('group-expanded'); this.syncHeight(); }, // syncHeight : function() { // menu.setHeight(); // var height = Math.max(minHeight, menu.getHeight()); // menu.setHeight(height); // content.setHeight(height - wrap.getPadding('t,b')); // if(Ext.isBorderBox) { // corners[2].removeClass('box-corner').addClass('box-corner'); // corners[3].removeClass('box-corner').addClass('box-corner'); // } // this.updateContentSections(); // } syncHeight : function() { menu.setHeight(); var height = Ext.getBody().getViewSize().height; height = height - 235; menu.setHeight(height); content.setHeight(height - wrap.getPadding('t,b')); if(Ext.isBorderBox) { corners[2].removeClass('box-corner').addClass('box-corner'); corners[3].removeClass('box-corner').addClass('box-corner'); } this.updateContentSections(); } } })(); Ext.onReady(Ext.app.Overview.init, Ext.app.Overview); Ext.onReady(function(){ if(!Ext.getDom('hd')){ return; } var activeMenu; function createMenu(name){ var el = Ext.get(name+'-link'); var tid = 0, menu, doc = Ext.getDoc(); var handleOver = function(e, t){ if(t != el.dom && t != menu.dom && !e.within(el) && !e.within(menu)){ hideMenu(); } }; var hideMenu = function(){ if(menu){ menu.hide(); el.setStyle('text-decoration', ''); doc.un('mouseover', handleOver); doc.un('mousedown', handleDown); } } var handleDown = function(e){ if(!e.within(menu)){ hideMenu(); } } var showMenu = function(){ clearTimeout(tid); tid = 0; if (!menu) { menu = new Ext.Layer({shadow:'sides',hideMode: 'display'}, name+'-menu'); } menu.hideMenu = hideMenu; menu.el = el; if(activeMenu && menu != activeMenu){ activeMenu.hideMenu(); } activeMenu = menu; if (!menu.isVisible()) { menu.show(); menu.alignTo(el, 'tl-bl?'); menu.sync(); el.setStyle('text-decoration', 'underline'); doc.on('mouseover', handleOver, null, {buffer:150}); doc.on('mousedown', handleDown); } } el.on('mouseover', function(e){ if(!tid){ tid = showMenu.defer(150); } }); el.on('mouseout', function(e){ if(tid && !e.within(el, true)){ clearTimeout(tid); tid = 0; } }); } createMenu('products'); createMenu('support'); createMenu('store'); // expanders Ext.getBody().on('click', function(e, t){ t = Ext.get(t); e.stopEvent(); var bd = t.next('div.expandable-body'); bd.enableDisplayMode(); var bdi = bd.first(); var expanded = bd.isVisible(); if(expanded){ bd.hide(); }else{ bdi.hide(); bd.show(); bdi.slideIn('l', {duration:.2, stopFx: true, easing:'easeOut'}); } t.update(!expanded ? 'Hide details' : 'Show details'); }, null, {delegate:'a.expander'}); var gs = Ext.get('gsearch-box'); if(gs){ gs.on('focus', function(){ if(gs.getValue() == 'Search with google'){ gs.dom.value = ''; gs.up('div').addClass('gs-active'); } }); gs.on('blur', function(){ if(gs.getValue() == ''){ gs.dom.value = 'Search with google'; gs.up('div').removeClass('gs-active'); } }); if(gs.getValue() == ''){ gs.dom.value = 'Search with google'; } } // messages var msgs = [ {text: 'Ext Enterprise Training Now Available »', url:'http://extjs.com/support/training/'}, {text: 'Ext GWT 1.2 Release Now Available »', url:'http://extjs.com/products/gxt/'}, {text: 'Ext 2.2.1 Release Now Available »', url:'http://extjs.com/products/extjs/download.php'} ]; var msgIndex = 0; var msg = Ext.get('msg'), msgInner = Ext.get('msg-inner'), active = null; msgInner.addClassOnOver('msg-over'); msg.on('click', function(){ window.location = active.url; }); function doUpdate(){ msgInner.update(active.text); msg.slideIn('b'); } function showMsg(index){ if(!msgInner.hasClass('msg-over')) { active = msgs[index]; if(msg.isVisible()){ msg.slideOut('b', {callback: doUpdate}); }else{ doUpdate(); } } } setInterval(function(){ msgIndex = msgs[msgIndex+1] ? msgIndex+1 : 0; showMsg(msgIndex); }, 5000); showMsg(0); var hd = Ext.get('hd'); if(hd){ hd.createChild({tag:'a', cls:'extcon', href: 'http://extjs.com/conference/'}); } }); Ext.getBody().fadeIn({stopFx:true,duration:.7}); (function(){ Ext.get('portal_bank_label_login').hide().update("
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